Matte Lip Creams are so in trend right now. With brands like nyx and many many more you just can't stop spending all of your money in it. But what if you can make your own matte lip cream without spending that much money? Wouldn't that be nice? With thousands of choices of colors it'll actually make it feel like Christmas everyday. I am so beyond happy to share this DIY with all of you so without further ado, here it is!
You'll need:
• 100% pure Cornstarch
• Food coloring
• Empty container or Lipgloss container
1. First off, start by cleaning your empty lipgloss container or just any other container really well before using them. I suggest for you to use flat containers like empty lip balm containers and not those kind of containers that are tall and narrow. Ofcourse lipgloss containers are the very best kind to choose since there is a built in wand making it easy to put the product into your lips without messing up your fingers.
2. In your empty container, mix 2 parts of 100% pure cornstarch with 3 parts of food coloring. This is the ratio I am very comfortable with but you can always add more of the cornstarch or more of the food coloring until you reach the texture you're looking for.
Note: Using an empty lipgloss container would be an advantage because the wand will help the mixing process and will decrease chances of messing the product. But if you're using an empty lip balm container, using mixing sticks or even toothpicks will really help.
Make sure to use food coloring not fabric dye or any other products used for coloring in the mixture. The food coloring's color can always be mix-matched with other colors to create your own personalized shade. I made one myself using red food coloring and some violet and brown food coloring then I got something in a shade of plum and it freaking slays.
3. Apply the product to your lips, wait for it to dry then once it dries up rub your lips together then bam, gorgeous matte lips!Yaaasss, work those matte lips, girl.
I hope you enjoy this DIY as much as i did. Please do support my blog and comment down below how your matte lip cream/s turned out. I love you all!
Next on my blog: DIY Matte Lip Cream using Baby Powder
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